How to Look After Silk?

Because silk naturally breaks away mites, dust and other particles, this natural material doesn’t need to be washed as often as other materials. It often is enough to weather your garments a few hours. For a fresh scent we recommend to spray ecological linen water on the garments after weathering
* Often it is enough to weather the garment to freshen it up. A good tip is also to steam the garment to freshen it up quickly. Steamers do not just take away creases, but also kill off bacteria.
* Avoid exposing silk to alcohol-based products like perfume and hairspray.
* Do not hang the garment directly in the sunlight for a long time, the colors can change and turn yellow.
* If you get a stain do not try to rub it away with water. The colour will fade on the spot where the stain wash. Wash the garment instead (see the washing instructions below)
* If you can wash the garment with water or not depends on the type of silk fabric and garment.
* Sometimes the laundry advice says, “dry clean only”. Than it´s best to submit the garment to a (environmentally friendly certified) dry cleaner.
* If you have a simple garment, a top or simple dress without drapes, you can usually hand wash with enzyme-free detergent.
* We recommend washing in the washing machine. If you have a modern washing machine, it’s gentler for the garment to wash it with the silk program than using hand wash. After washing, much of the excess water is gone and you can hang the garment directly on a hanger to dry.
* Always wash colors separately
* Please use a laundry bag
* Hang the garment on a hanger to dry
If you have to wash by hand, be careful with the garment. Do not rub on stains and do not twist the garment to remove excess water. Think of silk as on your own (long) hair. Treat carefully and roll in a towel to remove excess water before hanging up the garment on a hanger.
TIP: Add some drops vinegar to help remove stains. This works both in the washing machine and with handwashing.